Rescuing, Rehabilitating, Retraining & Rehoming German Shepherds responsibly since 2015
Registered Charity 1188407​
What We Do

Since 2014 LUOSKO German Shepherd Dog Rescue has been helping stray, abandoned and unwanted dogs that, through no fault of their own, need a second chance - irrespective of their age, or medical conditions they may have. We also help owners in crisis who need to surrender their dogs, giving them peace of mind that their dogs will be re-homed responsibly.
In 2019 we moved to our current base of operations in Cheadle, Staffordshire. Our centre currently has 23 rescue kennels, 4 Isolation Kennels and 4 Emergency Kennels. We also have two exercise paddocks, an indoor enrichment and training room, and a grooming room. We are on the doorstep of thousands of acres of fields and woodlands in the heart of the Staffordshire Moorlands.
We currently help around 100+ dogs a year and as well as re-homing to pet based homes from our rescue centre. We also work with other rescues and establishments, including Battersea Cats and Dogs Home, Armatus Risks Security, Staffordshire Police, Manchester Police Dogs and H M Prison Service for the more difficult dogs that are better suited to a working home. This enables us to significantly increase the number of dogs we can help.
We feel passionately that our role is not simply to deal with the consequences of irresponsible ownership, but to also tackle the root causes and reduce the number of dogs needing to access the animal welfare system. We also believe in the valuable pastoral and therapeutic role that dogs can play in our local community.
We therefore offer one to one training, socialisation and we also hire out our Freedom Field for people to exercise & train their dogs in a safe and secure environment.
We are committed to helping both dogs and people. We offer supported volunteering and employment placements at our rescue centre, working with third sector organisations representing disadvantaged groups.
Our Vision, Mission
& Core Values
Our vision is a future where all dogs are provided with a responsible and loving home for life and that LUOSKO German Shepherd Dog Rescue is recognised as a high quality provider of animal welfare and community services.
​Our Mission
1. Reduce the number of dogs euthanised in the UK every year by providing a kennel space at our rescue centre, a foster home or rescue placement for animals in emergency situations.
2. Reduce the number of dogs entering the animal welfare system through campaigning for change, education and the promotion of responsible ownership; and the provision of support to owners to help them keep their dogs.
3. Promote the therapeutic benefits of dog ownership and interaction with dogs.
4. Provision of support to owners to help them keep their dogs.
Our Core Values
At LUOSKO German Shepherd Dog Rescue we are guided in our work by the following core values:
We seek to provide our dogs with the best quality of care available within our resources. We aim to ensure each dog has its emotional and physical well being met through: a suitable environment, a suitable diet, providing the ability to exhibit normal behaviour patterns and protecting it from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
​Finding the right home for the right dog:
Each dog is assessed and each home is evaluated on their individual merits to ensure the right match. We aim to avoid blanket re-homing polices as far as possible to ensure a flexible approach to adoption.
We show compassion for both the dogs in our care and the people we deal with, whatever their circumstances for using our services.
We do not discriminate against the dogs we help based on their breed, age or medical condition. No adoptable dog is unnecessarily euthanised due to space or time constraints.
We do not just deal with the problems caused by poor animal welfare, but actively seek to tackle the root causes and work towards being part of the solution.
We strive to work in a way that is open, honest, and transparent and is accountable to our stakeholders.
We respect and value our staff, volunteers, partners and supporters.
As a charity we had pondered with the idea of opening up a charity shop for some time, however we were unsure of where to have the shop located and it would also mean we would need more volunteers to help, possibly even dedicated to the shop.
During 2020 we noticed that Age UK had vacated their premises in Cheadle High Street, one that they had occupied for nearly 30 years! with the Covid-19 pandemic causing havoc with nearly all UK shops and retailers, we opted to cease the opportunity to take the shop under our wing after striking a deal with the landlord.
The fundraising store in Cheadle was the first ever shop to be opened, dedicated to raising funds for LUOSKO German Shepherd Dog Rescue (registered charity number 1188407).
The shop was taken on in November 2020, unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic meant that we could not officially open the door to the general public until April 2021 and so after kitting out the shop we decided to launch several on-line sales which went well.
With the news that the UK was finally crawling out of lockdown in April 2021, we finally got to open up the doors to the shop and the general public.
After running for 8 months the shop proved to be an essential fundraiser, in fact we probably would not of survived the tail end of lockdown without the fundraising store!, however we quickly found that space was an issue and started the hunt for a bigger shop.
In December 2021 the property across the road became available and we snapped it up and transferred business to the new shop, now in full swing it has proved to be a great move, now we have dedicated areas for clothes, Books, CDs, DVDs and more.
The original location has been kept for use of admin roles, storage and our new raw food and natural treat outlet - LUNA's LOUNGE, which opened its doors in April 2022, and as of January 2023 went on-line.
If you have unwanted items you wish to donate please contact the shop directly on 01538 269788, smaller items including clothes, toys and bric a brac can be dropped off at the shop whilst larger items can be dropped off at the rescue centre, or photographs can be sent in to us to advertise on this page until sold.
If you have a few hours to spare and you would like to volunteer in our store, please send an email to volunteer@gsdrescue.uk